Greatest Inventions Year 1930 | Doodle God Duct Tape Cellophane + Glue Photocopier Paper + Photo FM Radio Music + Radiowave Polaroid Mechanism/Time + Photo Jet Engine Fire + Mechanism Radio Telescope Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave Monopoly Games + Money Shopping Cart Shopping + Cart Parking Meter Car + Money Software Knowledge + Magic
Um, radio telescope has 3 elements to combine and how do you create radar?
Oh, wait, sorry I see it now but how exactly do you create radar?
How to create VACUM TUBE?
What element is Cellophane? Where do I find it?
ik weet hoe je een radar maak me airplane en radiowave
radar is in a previous one and I think vacuum tube is in materials or a previous one
How do u make cellophane?